About the law firm EdmarLaw

EdmarLaw has 25 years of experience from reviewing, analyzing, drafting and negotiating most types of agreements in the field of IT and high-tech. EdmarLaw has extensive experience of legal counseling regarding data protection, drafting of development agreements, customer agreements, terms of use, data protection assessments, and the overall processing of personal data, contracting around the development and implementation of IT systems, as well as all aspects of online services, cloud services (PaaS, SaaS) and e-commerce, licensing of software, know-how and patents .

EdmarLaw provides extensive services in English as many of its clients are North American or European businesses.

EdmarLaw also has a well-established network of lawyers throughout the world, thanks to being a member of international networks, providing international services and assisting many international clients. EdmarLaw is therefore able to efficiently guide and assist in matters concerning several jurisdictions and business areas.

The founder of EdmarLaw and attorney-at-law Malin Edmar has worked at the headquarters of Microsoft Corporation in Redmond for four years and assisted the company for more than 12 years thereafter, in the field of commercial contracting, product development and product launches. She has also worked for GitHub, Inc. several years as Senior Commercial Counsel, focusing on drafting and negotiating commercially viable, easy-to-understand terms for i.a. PaaS, support services and collaboration work, as well as being their Senior Product Counsel, focusing on AI services and security features, PaaS, and joint development. This experience has not only given her a passion for new technology but also a very good understanding of the IT industry. She knows the typical product cycles of IT companies and understands their terminology – her curiosity in the operations of her clients therefore comes naturally.

Malin Edmar


+46 76-774 22 20

Malin Edmar
Attorney-at-law and founder

Malin Edmar has been practicing contract law, IT law and Intellectual Property Law since 1996. She often drives large and complicated negotiations in various fields, as well as mediation negotiations. Malin drafts and negotiates agreements in the IT or tech industries, or agreements relating to intellectual property rights. A majority of the agreements are drafted and negotiated in English, since most of the clients are either English speaking or have English speaking partners. She has worked at Microsoft’s headquarters for four years, providing legal advice in product development, product launches, and the launching of online services. She has also worked for GitHub, Inc. several years as Senior Commercial Counsel, focusing on drafting and negotiating commercially viable, easy-to-understand terms for i.a. PaaS, support services and collaboration work, as well as Senior Product Counsel, focusing on product licensing for AI products and security features, PaaS, and joint development. Malin has a passion for new technology and can’t stop herself from testing new gear.

Malin has written four books, i.a. the Swedish book Internet publishing and social media, which is now in its seventh edition (Norstedts Juridik, 2021), and has been part of the Swedish governmental ICT committee for several years, where she got the opportunity to influence the implementation of laws on privacy, electronic communication and e-commerce. When Malin drafts agreements, negotiates or writes books, she always has the technology in focus, and makes sure that she understands the technology first, before applying the law to it. Malin is also passionate about making the law understandable. You shouldn’t need to hire lawyers to understand what you agreed on. That is probably one reason why her books are so popular and are used as course literature at several universities in Sweden.


University of Uppsala and University of Stockholm. LLM 1996.


Edmar, Malin; Author of the book Internetpublicering och sociala medier
(In Swedish, Norstedts Juridik, 7th edition, 2021)

Edmar, Malin; Online education on Internet publishing
(In Swedish, Norstedts Juridik, 2015)

Edmar, Malin; Co-author of the book Domain Names – Strategies and Legal Aspects
(In Swedish, Norstedts Juridik, 2014) Also available in English here.

Edmar, Malin; Editor and co-author to the book The Twilight Zone of Intellectual Property,
(In Swedish, Jure, 2012)


  • GitHub, Inc. 2021-2023
  • Law firm EdmarLaw 2016-
  • Law firm Fylgia, 2009-2015
  • Law firm Westermark Anjou, 2007-2008
  • Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, 2003-2006
  • Law firm Delphi, 1999-2002
  • Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, 1997-1999
  • IT Committee CultureNet Sweden, Ministry of Culture, 1996
  • Public Prosecution Authority, Varberg, 1996

Member of the following associations

International Technology Law

Association - ITechlaw, Swedish
Organization for Copyright Law - SFU

Swedish Organization for IT and Law -

Swedish Data Privacy Forum

Areas of Expertise